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Friday, July 15, 2011

ACHILLES: The Brutal Killing Machine.


Achilles was the greatest Greek warrior of the Trojan War. He was the son of the Peleus , king of the Myrmidons of Thessaly. He was also the famous husband of Thetis. He was the second of the bravest leader and warrior that I know besides King Leonidas of Sparta. Homer describes Achilles as a Courageous soldier, honorable man and respected leader.

Achilles and Hector.

         The first characteristic that is assigned to a classic hero by Homer is the reality that Achilles was strong and brave, and may even have god-like qualities. “Meanwhile, old Priam was the first to catch sight of Achilles, as he dashed across the plain, blazing like  that star which becomes at harvest time its light shines out more brightly than any of the countless lights in night’s dark sky” Illiad(22.35-39.220).

In Illiad book 22 shows that Achilles was unstoppable and unmerciful and he was not afraid in anyone. Just what happened when Hector made an agreement between him and Achilles but Achilles did not want his agreement but his life for vengeance. Achilles said this following statement “ Hector don’t talk to me of our agreements. That’s idiotic, like a faithful promise between men and lions Illiad(22.336-338.227).

  Achilles was also compared to a falcon because he hunted Hector and he was stronger than hector. Achilles proved to the readers that he was not an ordinary warrior was when he cut the weakest part of a warrior between the neck and shoulder. But we wasn’t done with that he cut Hector’s ankle, threaded them with ox-hide thongs, and then tied in his chariot and drag around the battlefield. It symbolize that the troops of Achilles won and he finally proved that he was the greatest brutal warrior in Illiad by killing the greatest warrior of troy.

  Ramirez,Veronica E, English Across Continents Makati City, Philippines: Diwa Systems Inc. 2010, print.


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