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Friday, August 12, 2011

The finest Masterpiece


Iliad and Odyssey, two of the greatest works of Homer. His works became famous because of its extraordinary, amazing and adventurous stories. When I read and watch these stories I learned more about their culture, tradition and beliefs.

In Homer's Iliad, Homer shows his views on heroes, villains, and war. He shows that heroes have great qualities to them and that villains have evil qualities to them. Homer’s view of a hero displays bravery, nationalism, and even friendship. Hector was the perfect hero in the Iliad. He shows bravery when he fought with Achilles even though Achilles is more, stronger, powerful and commanding warrior. Hector was also a great warrior, a loving father and devoted husband. Paris also shows nationalism in the story, it happened when he is still fighting although the poison was in his body and he also fight for Hector, King Priam and Helen. If Paris surrender, his country will lose the battle and the glory of troy will be gone. In friendship, Agamemnon shows that he had love for Helen but Helen have Menelaus as his husband. Agamemnon and Menelaus remain allies in fighting troy even though they are against with one another in loving Helen. 

            Before I read the Iliad and the Odyssey I already knew slight with their beliefs. They believe that doing sacrifice can please the gods. In the Iliad Agamemnon sacrifice his only daughter so that the god will be on their side during the war. They also believe in prophecies, just what happen when Cassandra prophesied that Alexandros will bring war in the city of Troy.

  In the story of Odyssey, it’s all about the adventure of Odysseus sailing back to Ithaca. I learned the importance of loyalty, faithfulness and trustworthiness. Odysseus shows these traits in his adventure, when he reached the palace of Circe he refused to make bed with her because he love his wife. He also did anything to go back to Ithaca because he wanted to see her wife and his son again.

            These story influence me a lot and I learned more after I read the story. I learned that true love waits, when Penelope waited his husband in 20 years. I learned a lot in fate and destiny. Before I knew that fate and destiny are synonymous but when I read the Iliad I proved that I was wrong.  Fate is made by gods and it’s up to us what to do with this. And destiny is the outcome of the fate.

            Thus, I realized that Greeks during those time are truly obeying their gods and all happened to them is connected to their god. I also realized that people were controlled by their fate. And also I realized that Homer works were full of mysteries

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