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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Being Discriminated? Say What ?? Its not big deal !!

According to the English dictionary, Discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. But for me discrimination is making difference between people by his/her physical or mental problem. I think most of the people experienced discrimination in the way of age, racial, religious and gender or sex discrimination. In 1955 in some states in America blacks and whites to sit separately in restaurants, on buses and in other public places. Because of the racial discrimination began the unequal treatment between whites and blacks. It was stop by the Civil Rights Act against racial discrimination with the help of A civil right leader Martin Luther King Jr. A black American Nobel Prize winner.I am also a victim of discrimination. At a young age my friends laughed at me because of my physical appearance. They teases me that I am an Indian. It was hard for me to accept it because it was not true. Sometimes I cannot handle my temper and started to fought with them. During the time when I am a little boy my friends laughed and tease me and I was crying and after it happened I never played with them.Because of the discrimination I loses my confidence in dealing with other people and It was gave shamed to me. I also loses my freedom and I think anything I do is have limitations. It also affect my studies because also my classmates teases me. It also bring sadness because I want to be more comfortable with life.  I deal with it by asking helped with God and strong have faith with him. I don’t entertain people who will discriminate me. Only God can punished those who people who wants to hurts one’s life.

I’ve learned from my experienced is to have self control so that you will not lose your temper. and also do not entertain them because one’s you entertain them they will do not stop until you cry or until you become angry. Once you discriminate a person you also discriminate God. It is also a sin to discriminate a person because all of the people was created by God image

Martin Luther King Jr.

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