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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Share Victory or Share Defeat

Intramural sports are scheduled competitive and recreational activities and it helps people to develop their skills in playing the sports their like. During our foundation week, a week full of activities and one of them was the intrams or the sportfest. It includes the sports basketball, volleyball, badminton, and chess. I only joined volleyball and basketball team but I got sprained on  my right foot in our cheering dance the day before the sportfest. So I decided to play only basketball because that’s my favorite sports. Our first opponent was the 4th year students  we were afraid that we will lose the game because they were older than us and they were excellent in playing basketball. I played 18 minutes in the game and had only 6 points and we won. I observed fairness between the players and the referees. But we lose the 2nd and the 3rd game, I do not observed the fairness. We were cheated by the referees and the committee. In our second game I was hit by our opponent in the face but the official don’t called for foul. I was so angry with that referees and I think that he had favoritism. We were also cheated in our score.  And in our last game all of us observed that the officials were not fair because I got only 2 fouls but they gave me 4 fouls and also my one teammate was also cheated because he had only 3 fouls but the official told him he had 4 fouls.

Not only in basketball that the officials were cheating also in other sports liked in volleyball and badminton. Even the some teachers and other staff were unfair. I also I observed camaraderie with my teammates. We have developed camaraderie after playing for so long. And in the game that we played we had a great teamwork and cooperation despite we were not a champion we were proud that we end the game without cheating. In other team I do not observed camaraderie liked in our last opponent their star player was so selfish that he do not pass the ball in his teammates but he always shoot the ball.

We know that cheating is a sin, so why we always doing that thing? To accomplished our goal? To be a winner? I learned that in every sport I play we need teamwork and trust to your teammates to win. It’s better to lose the game than to be unfair because in God eyes we our always a winner if we had clean fight with our opponent. I learned to have a self control and avoid to lose my temper. And do not argue with the officials but to respect even he cheated because only God will punish those people who keeps on cheating.

Talents wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships

 - Michael Jordan


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