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Friday, August 12, 2011

The finest Masterpiece


Iliad and Odyssey, two of the greatest works of Homer. His works became famous because of its extraordinary, amazing and adventurous stories. When I read and watch these stories I learned more about their culture, tradition and beliefs.

In Homer's Iliad, Homer shows his views on heroes, villains, and war. He shows that heroes have great qualities to them and that villains have evil qualities to them. Homer’s view of a hero displays bravery, nationalism, and even friendship. Hector was the perfect hero in the Iliad. He shows bravery when he fought with Achilles even though Achilles is more, stronger, powerful and commanding warrior. Hector was also a great warrior, a loving father and devoted husband. Paris also shows nationalism in the story, it happened when he is still fighting although the poison was in his body and he also fight for Hector, King Priam and Helen. If Paris surrender, his country will lose the battle and the glory of troy will be gone. In friendship, Agamemnon shows that he had love for Helen but Helen have Menelaus as his husband. Agamemnon and Menelaus remain allies in fighting troy even though they are against with one another in loving Helen. 

            Before I read the Iliad and the Odyssey I already knew slight with their beliefs. They believe that doing sacrifice can please the gods. In the Iliad Agamemnon sacrifice his only daughter so that the god will be on their side during the war. They also believe in prophecies, just what happen when Cassandra prophesied that Alexandros will bring war in the city of Troy.

  In the story of Odyssey, it’s all about the adventure of Odysseus sailing back to Ithaca. I learned the importance of loyalty, faithfulness and trustworthiness. Odysseus shows these traits in his adventure, when he reached the palace of Circe he refused to make bed with her because he love his wife. He also did anything to go back to Ithaca because he wanted to see her wife and his son again.

            These story influence me a lot and I learned more after I read the story. I learned that true love waits, when Penelope waited his husband in 20 years. I learned a lot in fate and destiny. Before I knew that fate and destiny are synonymous but when I read the Iliad I proved that I was wrong.  Fate is made by gods and it’s up to us what to do with this. And destiny is the outcome of the fate.

            Thus, I realized that Greeks during those time are truly obeying their gods and all happened to them is connected to their god. I also realized that people were controlled by their fate. And also I realized that Homer works were full of mysteries

Friday, July 15, 2011

ACHILLES: The Brutal Killing Machine.


Achilles was the greatest Greek warrior of the Trojan War. He was the son of the Peleus , king of the Myrmidons of Thessaly. He was also the famous husband of Thetis. He was the second of the bravest leader and warrior that I know besides King Leonidas of Sparta. Homer describes Achilles as a Courageous soldier, honorable man and respected leader.

Achilles and Hector.

         The first characteristic that is assigned to a classic hero by Homer is the reality that Achilles was strong and brave, and may even have god-like qualities. “Meanwhile, old Priam was the first to catch sight of Achilles, as he dashed across the plain, blazing like  that star which becomes at harvest time its light shines out more brightly than any of the countless lights in night’s dark sky” Illiad(22.35-39.220).

In Illiad book 22 shows that Achilles was unstoppable and unmerciful and he was not afraid in anyone. Just what happened when Hector made an agreement between him and Achilles but Achilles did not want his agreement but his life for vengeance. Achilles said this following statement “ Hector don’t talk to me of our agreements. That’s idiotic, like a faithful promise between men and lions Illiad(22.336-338.227).

  Achilles was also compared to a falcon because he hunted Hector and he was stronger than hector. Achilles proved to the readers that he was not an ordinary warrior was when he cut the weakest part of a warrior between the neck and shoulder. But we wasn’t done with that he cut Hector’s ankle, threaded them with ox-hide thongs, and then tied in his chariot and drag around the battlefield. It symbolize that the troops of Achilles won and he finally proved that he was the greatest brutal warrior in Illiad by killing the greatest warrior of troy.

  Ramirez,Veronica E, English Across Continents Makati City, Philippines: Diwa Systems Inc. 2010, print.


Friday, July 1, 2011

She May be the Face That I Can't Forget.

Genesis 2:18 
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” 


               Eve was the first woman on earth, the first wife, and the first mother. She is known as the “Mother of all living”. Eve was the companion of Adam and also his helper. One who would complete him and share equally in his responsibility over creation. Liked Adam she was created through God image.

            In history, women were married off at the young to men who were older than them. After the marriage, the married women moved to her husband’s home but that home was controlled by the husband’s mother. During that time women had no status other than to be a property of her husband. But the primary use of woman was that giving birth to a baby and it ended there.

                 Nowadays, women and men are now equal. Women have the rights what they don’t have in the past years. Before women are only “the light of the house”. She is the one who will do the household chores and also in taking care of their children. But now women are now working for just to buy the needs of the family. This situation is often if the only source of income is the mother or women.


        Since I was two years old my mother and my father had been separated. By the time of their separation, my mother was blame that she was steal money from there company but she was never did it.  According to her diary she had no lawyer besides her to defend herself even her father was not there. After one month after the trial she had chose to resign but she was thinking of me how she will sustain my needs. My father was a addicted in drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. When I read the diary I was so angry to my father and I finally knew what is the truth. I was also crying because what happened to my mother. I realized that she did everything just to have a great future. Even though we are not close to each other she shows her love by means of giving my wants and my needs. I am proud that she is my mother and my father. She worked as man in the morning and a responsible mother in the evening. She can do some of the things that man can do liked she can drove a car, a motorcycle, and also in mountain biking. She can be a man and a woman at the same time. I admired my mom because she work hard for us. Even though she was tired at work she didn’t forget to take care of us. Sometimes she helped me in doing my projects or assignment. I really love my mother not in what she gave me but in how he raised me as we were a happy family.

She by Elvis Costello:

May be the face I can't forget 
The trace of pleasure or regret 
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay 
May be the song that summer sings 
May be the chill that autumn brings 
May be a hundred different things 
Within the measure of a day

May be the beauty or the beast 
May be the famine or the feast 
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell 
She may be the mirror of my dreams 
The smile reflected in a stream 
She may not be what she may seem 
Inside her shell 

Who always seems so happy in a crowd 
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud 
No one's allowed to see them when they cry 
May be the love that cannot hope to last 
May come to me from shadows of the past 
That I'll remember till the day I die 

May be the reason I survive 
The why and wherefore I'm alive 
The one I'll care for through the rough in ready years 
I'll take her laughter and her tears 
And make them all my souvenirs 
For where she goes I've got to be 
The meaning of my life is 
For the best mother in the whole wide world !!!! My MOTHER !!!

Genesis 2:23
“At last!” the man exclaimed.
“This one is bone from my bone,
and flesh from my flesh!
She will be called ‘woman,’
because she was taken from ‘man.’”

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Preparation for the Real World

 “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it” from Proverbs 22:6.  We know that all of the parents want to send his/her child in a good school so that he/she had a brighter future. Here in Rizal, the Taytay United Methodist Christian School has been well known because of its standards and aimed to develop the Christian values among the    students.

Now as the member of the new generation, it’s our duty to promote our school and to maintain our high grades. Although studying is boring, it’s our responsibility to study hard so that we become successful in life. This is the only thing that we can return in our Alma Mater and also to our beloved parents. This school help us to prepare our self in the real world or further formal studies in higher education.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Grammar: Easy To Learn But Hard To Apply

Filipino people are known as one of the best English speakers here in Asia. But more uneducated people are still growing here in the Philippines and doesn't know how to read and write in English form. When our teacher said that she collected some of are incorrect sentences in our blog. I felt nervous because I thought that I had errors written on the paper that my teacher gave to us. I was right I have 3 or more incorrect sentences written in the paper. At first, I felt humiliated when I saw it. After I read my errors, I realized that next time I need to be more careful in writing sentences and to follow rules in grammar. Also don't do sentences so fast because the person will may not notice his/her wrong grammar. I also realized that when I write sentences I must read it again and again so that I can identify my errors and change it with a right one.

In writing a sentence it must have a right grammar so that the readers will understand it. In our previous lessons about grammar I learned a lot of things in writing sentences and its help me to write a correct sentence. If my teacher didn’t thought us how to use a correct grammar I can’t write a correct paragraph. Also I would not improved my writings if I don’t have grammar lessons

I can improve my grammar and skills in grammar by studying my grammar lessons well and practicing speaking in English with my self. Also reading English books so that I can learn new unfamiliar words that I can use in writing. Also using dictionary in finding words that I do not know the right meaning so that I can use it correctly. Even though I can’t perfect my grammar and writing skills in English but I can minimize my mistakes.

Only in grammar can you be more than perfect.  ~William Safire

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Share Victory or Share Defeat

Intramural sports are scheduled competitive and recreational activities and it helps people to develop their skills in playing the sports their like. During our foundation week, a week full of activities and one of them was the intrams or the sportfest. It includes the sports basketball, volleyball, badminton, and chess. I only joined volleyball and basketball team but I got sprained on  my right foot in our cheering dance the day before the sportfest. So I decided to play only basketball because that’s my favorite sports. Our first opponent was the 4th year students  we were afraid that we will lose the game because they were older than us and they were excellent in playing basketball. I played 18 minutes in the game and had only 6 points and we won. I observed fairness between the players and the referees. But we lose the 2nd and the 3rd game, I do not observed the fairness. We were cheated by the referees and the committee. In our second game I was hit by our opponent in the face but the official don’t called for foul. I was so angry with that referees and I think that he had favoritism. We were also cheated in our score.  And in our last game all of us observed that the officials were not fair because I got only 2 fouls but they gave me 4 fouls and also my one teammate was also cheated because he had only 3 fouls but the official told him he had 4 fouls.

Not only in basketball that the officials were cheating also in other sports liked in volleyball and badminton. Even the some teachers and other staff were unfair. I also I observed camaraderie with my teammates. We have developed camaraderie after playing for so long. And in the game that we played we had a great teamwork and cooperation despite we were not a champion we were proud that we end the game without cheating. In other team I do not observed camaraderie liked in our last opponent their star player was so selfish that he do not pass the ball in his teammates but he always shoot the ball.

We know that cheating is a sin, so why we always doing that thing? To accomplished our goal? To be a winner? I learned that in every sport I play we need teamwork and trust to your teammates to win. It’s better to lose the game than to be unfair because in God eyes we our always a winner if we had clean fight with our opponent. I learned to have a self control and avoid to lose my temper. And do not argue with the officials but to respect even he cheated because only God will punish those people who keeps on cheating.

Talents wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships

 - Michael Jordan


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Being Discriminated? Say What ?? Its not big deal !!

According to the English dictionary, Discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit. But for me discrimination is making difference between people by his/her physical or mental problem. I think most of the people experienced discrimination in the way of age, racial, religious and gender or sex discrimination. In 1955 in some states in America blacks and whites to sit separately in restaurants, on buses and in other public places. Because of the racial discrimination began the unequal treatment between whites and blacks. It was stop by the Civil Rights Act against racial discrimination with the help of A civil right leader Martin Luther King Jr. A black American Nobel Prize winner.I am also a victim of discrimination. At a young age my friends laughed at me because of my physical appearance. They teases me that I am an Indian. It was hard for me to accept it because it was not true. Sometimes I cannot handle my temper and started to fought with them. During the time when I am a little boy my friends laughed and tease me and I was crying and after it happened I never played with them.Because of the discrimination I loses my confidence in dealing with other people and It was gave shamed to me. I also loses my freedom and I think anything I do is have limitations. It also affect my studies because also my classmates teases me. It also bring sadness because I want to be more comfortable with life.  I deal with it by asking helped with God and strong have faith with him. I don’t entertain people who will discriminate me. Only God can punished those who people who wants to hurts one’s life.

I’ve learned from my experienced is to have self control so that you will not lose your temper. and also do not entertain them because one’s you entertain them they will do not stop until you cry or until you become angry. Once you discriminate a person you also discriminate God. It is also a sin to discriminate a person because all of the people was created by God image

Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, February 4, 2011

God's Gift To My Parents

My mother together with my brother

After my parents planned to have a child and after waiting for so long my mother got pregnant. They waited for nine months and finally my mother was rushed to a small clinic on 17th of December one week before Christmas. Her first son was born named Gaidelvircel De Guzman De Leon and that baby boy is me. She loves me so much that she gave up his career to become model just to take care of me. Then she worked in a hotel just to earned money to buy all my desires. Even I don’t spent time with my mother most of the time she shows  her feelings by buying my favorite things. When I was 5 years old my mother revealed that she and my father were separated 3 years ago. After she told me that, I only see my father once a week. I was raised in a Christian family and I knew more about God during the time when  I was in preschool. Liked other children I enjoy playing with my friends outside our house. 
My brother
                                                     When I was 7 years old my half brother was born named Matthew Gatapia .Even though he is my half brother  I loved him so much that I will do anything to protect him. When I was in grade 1 I only do self study, because I’m afraid with my mother when she teaching me my lessons she shouted to just get the lesson so me so I decided to do self study. Because I don’t understood the lesson well I failed in my exams and entered summer classes. I entered summer classes until I reached grade 3.During grade 4 I learned how to play scrabble and became 1st place in our school. When I was in grade 5 I’m addicted in watching wrestling and bought some of their products. During grade 6 I won in academics competition and I was on the top 10 outstanding student Finally I finished elementary. They said that high school life was the most memorable stage in a human life. When I entered high school I change my study habits and trying my best for a high grade. When I can’t solve or answer my homeworks at home My mother is always there to teach me all the things that its not cleared to me. When I was second year high school I became a pilot class at first I don’t want in that class because all of them are smart. After months had past  I found new friends we were liked brothers and sisters because we were close to each other during the happiest moments and sadness moments. I also do my best to have I grade and after the first quarter I was ranked  17th overall. On July 29 2009 I surrendered my life to the Lord after the worship I became a born-again Christian. It change my life because of what happen I learned more about God and I began praying every night. I also joined in spiritual retreat,cell group and I also attending youth clubs When I was 13 years old, I read the bible from genesis from I Chronicles. I don’t finished it because I had no time to read it. Now I am third year student in Taytay United Methodist Christian School. For two consecutive years I was again in a pilot class. Also my grades are still moving. In 15 years living in this world I learned how to be independent. I can do all I want, liked spending time with my friends. Without the people around me I can’t accomplished my goals in. Many had moments past but more many moments will come until I reached my final journey. I became a lonely person before but now I have my friends and my God share with.
I'm LUCKY, I'm INLOVE with my bestfriend

- Thanks for reading my blog, I hope you liked it. God Bless!!!!